Family by Family has arrived in the UK!

What is Family by Family?
No one knows families better than other families. That’s why we’re excited to announce that Family by Family – a program that pairs families who need support with families who can provide support – has launched in Stoke-on-Trent.
Both sets of families are supported by coaches, and everyone works together to set goals and move towards thriving lives. The families get to know each other, share stories, plan fun stuff, and celebrate the small wins along the way. Nobody tells the families what they need to change, as everyone’s goals are different.
Family by Family has helped over 2,000 Australian families to make lasting change in their lives, and we can’t wait to introduce the program to families in Stoke-on-Trent.

Who’s it for?
Family by Family is for all families with kids under 18. We welcome families of all shapes, sizes and cultures, and from all situations and backgrounds.
You might be a family who’s going through a tough time, struggling to cope and needing support. Or you might be a family who’s gone through a tough time and has come out the other side, and want to use that experience to help a family in need.
Our families have one thing in common – they’ve experienced the ups and downs that every family goes through, and want to make a lasting change in their lives.
What makes it different?
Family by Family is a home grown model, designed with families for families. There’s no waiting lists or judgement, and you can decide when, where and how you meet up. Everything’s confidential and designed around your goals and needs.
- The whole family gets support
- Not affiliated with government or religion in any way
- Free from judgement and confidential
- Support happens face-to-face at a place and time that works for you
- You get to choose your goals
- No red tape or long waiting lists
How can I get involved?
Are you a family who needs support?
Is your family going through a tough time? Would you like to talk to another family who’ve been there, done that? Family by Family will pair your family with another family who can provide support.
Are you a family who can provide support?
Has your family been through a tough time and come out the other side? Want to use your experience to help another family in need? We’ll provide specialised training so your family can provide tailored support.
Are you a service provider?
Do you know a family having a tough time, or a family who you believe could support a family who’s struggling? We’d love for you to introduce them to Family by Family.
If this sounds like you, fill out the form below and we’ll be in touch soon.

Get in touch
We’re always just a phone call or email away.
You can give us a call on 0151 227 3499, email familybyfamilystoke@sharedlivesplus.org.uk or send us a message using the form below.